Does Eviction Affect a Cosigner? Financial and Legal Consequences

You should always take into account that cosigning a lease means that you, as the cosigner, are essentially taking on financial responsibility for the primary tenant.This responsibility includes rent payments and adherence to the terms of the lease. If the tenant faces eviction due to non-payment of rent or lease violations, the consequences can indeed extend to the cosigner. So, the answer to the question ‘Does eviction affect a cosigner?’ is ‘Yes.’ It can affect them in various ways, both financially and legally.

A study by the Urban Institute found that cosigners are more likely to experience financial hardship after an eviction than primary borrowers. The study found that cosigners were more likely to have their wages garnished, bank accounts levied, and assets seized.

Let’s dive in and explore the Impact of Eviction on a Cosigner in-depth.

Financial Consequences for a Cosigner

Does Eviction Affect a Cosigner, Financial Consequences
Financial Consequences

Eviction can bring significant financial challenges for cosigners. When you cosign, you become financially responsible for the tenant’s rent, late fees, and property damages if they can’t meet their obligations. This means that you could end up with substantial financial burdens if the tenant faces eviction.

Here are some of the specific financial consequences of eviction for cosigners:

1. Unpaid Rent:

The primary tenant’s failure to pay rent is one of the most immediate and impactful financial consequences for a cosigner. In such cases, the landlord can hold the cosigner liable for the full amount of unpaid rent. This means that if the tenant falls behind on several months’ rent, the cosigner may be obligated to cover these arrears.

2. Late Fees:

If the tenant consistently pays rent late, the cosigner may also be responsible for late fees imposed by the landlord. Late fees can accumulate and further increase the financial burden on the cosigner.

3. Damages:

 Beyond rent, cosigners might find themselves financially responsible for property damages caused by the tenant. Landlords can seek reimbursement for repair costs from the cosigner, and this can be a significant financial hit.

4. Court Costs:

Eviction proceedings can be costly, involving legal fees, court fees, and administrative expenses. In some cases, landlords may seek to recover these costs from the cosigner. This can result in additional financial strain.

5. Collection Costs:

 If the primary tenant doesn’t pay the outstanding debt, the landlord may opt to send it to a collections agency. Cosigners should be aware that this can negatively impact their credit score and may result in collection agency fees and charges.

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Does Eviction Affect a Cosigner, Legal Consequences
Legal Consequences

Consequences won’t be limited to just the financial side; you will also encounter legal issues that can create significant problems for you in the future. Here is an overview of some of the legal consequences that cosigners may face:

1. Eviction on Record:

An eviction is not only a stain on the primary tenant’s record but also on the cosigner’s credit report and rental history. This makes it challenging for the cosigner to secure future housing or loans, as landlords and creditors often view an eviction as a red flag.

2. Judgment:

If the landlord successfully obtains a judgment against the primary tenant, the cosigner may also become subject to the same judgment. This legal action means that the landlord could legally garnish the cosigner’s wages or seize their assets to satisfy the debt. The lender may also be able to levy the cosigner’s bank account, meaning that they can take money directly from the cosigner’s bank account to pay off the debt.

Protecting Yourself as a Cosigner

Does Eviction Affect a Cosigner, Protecting Yourself as a Cosigner
Protecting Yourself as a Cosigner

Now that you understand the impact of eviction on a cosigner, it’s always important to take steps to protect yourself before you cosign and avoid the consequences. Here are some tips that will help you:

1. Understand the Lease Terms:

Before cosigning a lease, thoroughly review the lease agreement. Ensure you understand all the terms and conditions, including rent amounts, the duration of the lease, and the landlord’s rights in the event of a default. Knowledge of these terms is essential to protect your financial interests.

2. Open Communication with the Tenant:

Engage in transparent and open communication with the primary tenant. Discuss their financial situation, employment status, and income sources. Ensure they have a reliable plan for paying the rent. A clear understanding of the tenant’s financial stability can help prevent potential issues down the road.

3. Seek a Cosigner Release Clause:

Whenever possible, work with the landlord to include a cosigner release clause in the lease agreement. A cosigner release is a legal document that, under specific conditions, releases you from liability for the lease. Typically, a cosigner can be released if the tenant demonstrates a consistent ability to make rent payments and maintain the lease obligations.

4. Regularly Monitor Rent Payments:

Request monthly proof of rent payments from the primary tenant. This could be in the form of rent receipts, bank statements, or other documentation that verifies the payments. By staying informed about the tenant’s rent payments, you can quickly identify and address any issues before they escalate.

5. Have a Backup Plan:

Prepare for the worst-case scenario. If the tenant becomes unable to pay the rent or faces eviction, have a plan in place to address the situation. This might involve being financially prepared to cover the rent yourself temporarily or finding a new tenant to take over the lease. Having a backup plan can help you mitigate the potential financial consequences of cosigning.

6. Legal Consultation:

If you find yourself in a situation where eviction is a possibility or if you have concerns about your role as a cosigner, consider seeking legal advice. Consult with an attorney who specializes in landlord-tenant law to understand your rights and legal options. Legal professionals can provide guidance tailored to your specific circumstances.

7. Know Your State Laws:

Understand the specific landlord-tenant laws in your state, as they can vary significantly. Knowing the legal framework that governs your lease agreement and eviction procedures can be invaluable in protecting your rights and interests.

Read Also About: Responsibilities of a Co-Signer for an Apartment

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a cosigner take legal action against the tenant in case of eviction?

Cosigners generally can’t take direct legal action against the tenant. However, they can work with the landlord and consult with an attorney experienced in landlord-tenant law to protect their interests.

Can a cosigner’s credit be affected by the tenant’s eviction?

Yes, an eviction can negatively impact a cosigner’s credit if they are held financially responsible for the tenant’s eviction-related costs.

What are the laws protecting cosigners?

The laws protecting cosigners vary from state to state. Some states require lenders to notify cosigners of missed payments or give cosigners the right to be released from the loan after a certain period of time.


In conclusion, cosigning a lease is a substantial commitment with tangible financial and legal consequences. Understanding the potential risks and taking proactive measures is essential to protect your financial well-being. So, the answer to the question, “Does eviction affect a cosigner?” is a resounding “Yes.” It’s crucial to approach cosigning with caution, open communication, and a thorough understanding of your rights. By doing so, you can mitigate the potential adverse impact of eviction on a cosigner’s life.

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