Non-Leasing Occupants: Who They Are and What You Need to Know

In the realm of rental properties, there exists a category of occupants known as non-leasing occupants. But what exactly does this term entail, and why is it essential to understand this concept? In this blog post, we will explore the non-leasing occupant, their roles, and the legal aspects surrounding them.

What is a non-leasing occupant?

What is a non-leasing occupant
What is a non-leasing occupant?

A non-leasing occupant is an individual who resides in a property without a formal lease agreement with the landlord. This unique category includes a variety of people, such as family members, friends, partners, subtenants, and even squatters.

There are a number of reasons why someone might be a non-leasing occupant. For example, a family member may move in to help with childcare or eldercare. A friend may move in temporarily while they are looking for a new place to live. A partner may move in after two people have been living together for a while. A subtenant may move in without the landlord’s approval. Or, a squatter may take up residence in a vacant property.

In 2022, according to TransUnion SmartMove, 22% of all rental applications included at least one non-leasing occupant. Non-leasing occupants are more likely to be younger (65% are under the age of 35) and have lower credit scores (63% have credit scores below 650) compared to the general rental population.

How to Add a Non-Leasing Occupant When Renting?

Adding a non-leasing occupant to your rental property can be a straightforward process if you follow the right steps. Whether it’s a family member, friend, partner, or someone else, here’s a guide on how to do it:

1. Review Your Lease Agreement:

Start by carefully reviewing your existing lease agreement. Some leases explicitly mention the process for adding non-leasing occupants, while others may require landlord approval.

2. Seek Landlord Approval:

Request written permission from your landlord to add the non-leasing occupant. This request should outline the occupant’s details, including their name, relationship to you, and the duration of their stay. Your landlord may have specific requirements or background checks for approval.

3. Amend the Lease:

If your landlord agrees to the addition, consider amending your lease agreement to include the non-leasing occupant. This can help clarify their rights and responsibilities during their stay.

4. Define Financial Arrangements:

Determine how the non-leasing occupant will contribute to rent or utility costs, if applicable. Ensure that all parties are in agreement, and document the financial arrangements in writing.

5. Establish House Rules:

Create and discuss house rules and responsibilities with the non-leasing occupant to maintain a harmonious living environment. This may include guidelines for shared spaces, chores, and other expectations.

6. Document Agreements:

It’s essential to document all agreements in writing. This includes a written addendum to the lease, financial agreements, and house rules. Having a clear record helps protect all parties involved and ensures everyone is on the same page.

7. Notify Property Management:

If you rent through a property management company, be sure to inform them about the addition of a non-leasing occupant.

Why a Non-Leasing Occupant Might Sign a Lease?

There are several reasons why a non-leasing occupant might choose to sign a lease, even though they are not legally responsible for rent or other lease obligations:

Acknowledgment of Lease Terms:

By signing the lease, a non-leasing occupant demonstrates their understanding of and agreement with the lease terms. This can help prevent potential disputes in the future, especially if there are accusations of lease violations.

Proof of Residency:

The signed lease can serve as evidence of the non-leasing occupant’s period of residence in the property. This documentation can be valuable, for example, when they need to prove their address for employment or immigration purposes.

Demonstrating Commitment:

Signing the lease showcases the occupant’s commitment to respecting the property and abiding by the lease terms. It signals to the landlord that they take their responsibilities as a resident seriously.

Landlord Requirements:

In some cases, landlords may insist that non-leasing occupants sign the lease as a condition for living in the property. This is especially common when the occupant is a minor or a family member of the primary tenant.

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Non-Leasing Occupant Rights

Non-leasing occupants have fewer rights than tenants who have signed a lease agreement. However, they may still have some rights under landlord-tenant law, depending on the specific circumstances. For example:

Notice Before Eviction:

All landlords must provide their tenants with some notice before evicting them, even if they have a lease agreement. This notice period is usually 30 days, but it can vary depending on the jurisdiction. Non-leasing occupants also have the right to receive notice before eviction, but the notice period may be shorter than for tenants. This is because non-leasing occupants do not have the same legal protections as tenants. However, there are some exceptions to this general rule. For example, if a non-leasing occupant is considered a tenant at will, the landlord can evict them without notice. A tenant at will is someone who lives in a property with the landlord’s permission, but they do not have a lease agreement.

Harassment-Free Living:

They have the right to live in the rental property without being subjected to harassment or intimidation by the landlord or other occupants. This protection ensures a safe and peaceful living environment.

Essential Repairs:

The landlord is responsible for making essential repairs to the property, even if the occupant doesn’t have a formal lease. If a subtenant moves in without the landlord’s approval and discovers a significant plumbing issue, they can request that the landlord address and fix the problem.

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Non-Leasing Occupant Responsibilities

Non-leasing occupants also have some responsibilities. For example:

Financial Obligations

Non-leasing occupants must fulfill any financial agreements they’ve made with the formal tenant or landlord. For instance, if a partner moves in after two people have been living together for a while, they might have agreed to contribute to the rent or utilities. They are responsible for making these payments as agreed.

Property Care

It is the responsibility of non-leasing occupants to take good care of the property and avoid causing damage. If a friend temporarily stays in your apartment, they should ensure they don’t damage the walls, furniture, or any other parts of the property during their stay.

Compliance with Rules

They should comply with any reasonable rules and regulations set by the landlord or formal tenant. These rules may include guidelines for property use and conduct within the premises.

Key Considerations for Landlords

non-leasing occupants Key Considerations for Landlords
Key Considerations for Landlords

For landlords who have non-leasing occupants in their properties, there are important considerations to ensure a smooth and legally compliant living arrangement:

1. Recognize Non-Leasing Occupants’ Rights

It’s essential for landlords to recognize that non-leasing occupants may still have some rights under landlord-tenant law. While these rights may be more limited than those of formal tenants, it’s important to respect their legal standing.

2. Document Agreements in Writing

To avoid misunderstandings and disputes, landlords should document any agreements with non-leasing occupants in writing. This includes specifying the terms of the occupancy, responsibilities, and expectations. Having a written record can provide clarity and legal protection for both parties.

3. Follow Legal Procedures for Eviction

If eviction becomes necessary for non-leasing occupants, landlords should adhere to proper legal procedures. This may involve providing notice, following local eviction laws, and ensuring that the eviction is conducted within the bounds of the law. Failing to do so can result in legal complications.

4. Consult Legal Professionals

When dealing with complex non-leasing occupant situations or potential evictions, landlords should consult legal professionals. Legal advice can help navigate the legal intricacies and ensure that actions are taken in compliance with the law.

5. Maintain Transparent Communication

Open and transparent communication with non-leasing occupants is essential. Landlords should address any concerns, expectations, or issues promptly to maintain a positive living environment.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if a non-leasing occupant refuses to leave my rental property?

If a non-leasing occupant refuses to leave your rental property, you may need to evict them. The eviction process will vary depending on your local laws. You should contact a landlord-tenant attorney to get help with the eviction process.

Do I need to get my landlord’s permission to add a non-leasing occupant?

In most cases, yes. Some lease agreements specifically prohibit subletting or adding occupants without the landlord’s permission. Even if your lease does not contain any such restrictions, it is always best to let your landlord know and get their approval before adding a non-leasing occupant.

Can a non-leasing occupant be a guarantor on a lease?

Yes, a non-leasing occupant can be a guarantor on a lease. This means that they agree to be financially responsible for the rent and other lease obligations if the tenant defaults. Guarantors are typically required to have good credit and income.


Non-leasing occupants play an important role in the real estate landscape, but they may have fewer legal rights than tenants. To understand their legal standing, it is important to consider local laws and individual circumstances. If needed, seek legal advice to navigate the complexities of these situations. However, both landlords and non-leasing occupants can avoid potential disputes and problems by understanding the rights and responsibilities involved in this type of arrangement.

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