Stay Protected: Notice When Gone From Apartment For More Than 7 Days

Heading off for an extended trip or finding yourself away from your apartment for more than 7 days? It’s not just about packing your bags; it’s also essential to notify your landlord about your absence. In this post, we’ll provide you with 2 samples for written notices to give to your landlord when you’re away from the apartment for more than 7 days. We’ll explore the reasons why this notice is required, what information to include, and learn some tips for a smooth process. So, let’s dive into this!

Reasons Why Landlords Require Notice When You’ll be Away for More Than 7 Days

When it comes to stepping away from your apartment for more than 7 days, your landlord isn’t just being nosy—they have valid reasons for requesting notice. Here’s why:

1. Insurance Compliance:

Landlord insurance policies typically stipulate that properties must be occupied or regularly checked on to maintain coverage. If a property remains unoccupied for an extended period without the landlord’s knowledge, it can jeopardize insurance coverage. In the event of a claim, insurance companies may deny coverage due to the property being left unattended, leading to financial losses for the landlord.

2. Security Measures:

An unoccupied apartment can be more susceptible to security risks such as break-ins, vandalism, or unauthorized occupation. Landlords require notice of extended absences to take appropriate security measures to protect the property. This may include increasing surveillance, arranging for periodic checks, or implementing additional security measures to deter potential threats.

3. Emergency Access:

In case of emergencies like fires, floods, or gas leaks, timely access to the apartment is crucial for mitigating damages and ensuring the safety of the property and its occupants. If tenants are away without informing the landlord, emergency responders may face delays in accessing the unit, exacerbating the situation. By notifying the landlord of extended absences, tenants enable them to make necessary arrangements for emergency access, such as providing spare keys or contact information for authorized individuals who can grant access in their absence.

4. Maintenance and Repairs:

Landlords may need to conduct routine maintenance or address unexpected repairs during tenants’ absences. Notifying the landlord in advance allows them to schedule maintenance tasks at convenient times and ensures that someone is available to grant access to maintenance personnel if needed. This proactive approach minimizes disruptions for both tenants and landlords and helps maintain the property’s condition.

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What to Include in Your Notice?

Once you understand the importance of notifying your landlord, knowing what information to share is key. Here’s what you should include in your notice:

1. The Duration of Your Absence

Clearly state the dates you will be away from the apartment to provide the landlord with a clear timeline of your absence. This information helps the landlord plan accordingly and make necessary arrangements during your absence.

2. Your Contact Information

Provide your current contact details, including a phone number where you can be reached while you’re away. In case of emergencies or important communications, the landlord needs to have a means of contacting you promptly.

3. Emergency Access Arrangements:

If someone else, such as a trusted neighbor, friend, or family member, will have access to the apartment in case of emergencies, include their name and contact information in your notice. This ensures that the landlord knows who to contact or authorize for access in your absence, facilitating prompt response to emergencies.

4. Mail Handling Preferences:

Optionally, mention if you plan to forward your mail to another address or if you prefer the landlord to hold it for your return. This helps prevent mail accumulation and ensures that important correspondence is appropriately handled during your absence.

Additional Tips

Here are some additional tips to ensure a hassle-free process:

1. Review Your Lease Agreement:

Before providing notice to your landlord, thoroughly review your lease agreement to understand any specific requirements or guidelines regarding extended absences. Some lease agreements may have provisions outlining the timeframe within which tenants must notify landlords of their absence or specify the preferred method of communication. Adhering to these stipulations helps avoid potential conflicts or misunderstandings.

2. Maintain Open Communication:

Throughout the notification process and your absence, maintain open communication with your landlord. Keep them informed of any changes to your plans or contact information, and promptly respond to any inquiries or requests for clarification. Regular communication fosters transparency and trust between tenants and landlords and helps ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience for both parties.

3. Follow Up Upon Return:

Upon your return from your absence, follow up with your landlord to confirm your safe return and address any outstanding matters related to your absence. This may include returning keys, updating contact information, or addressing any issues that arose in your absence. Open communication and follow-up demonstrate your commitment to maintaining a positive relationship with your landlord and ensure that any remaining tasks are promptly addressed.

What is the Best Way to Provide the Notice?

When it comes to providing notice to your landlord, you can either send a written notice or schedule a meeting or phone call.

Written Notice:

The most common and formal way to provide notice to your landlord is through a written communication, such as an email or letter. In your written notice, clearly state the dates of your absence, provide your contact information, outline any arrangements for emergency access or mail handling, and express your willingness to address any concerns or questions your landlord may have. Sending a written notice ensures documentation of your communication and provides a clear record for both parties.

Personal Communication:

In addition to written notice, consider supplementing your communication with a personal conversation with your landlord. If possible, schedule a meeting or phone call to discuss your upcoming absence, clarify any details, and address any concerns directly. Personal communication allows for immediate feedback and clarification and helps establish a rapport with your landlord. Follow up your conversation with a written confirmation to ensure documentation and clarity.

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Notice When Gone From Apartment For More Than 7 Days

Here are two sample notices you can use as templates for informing your landlord about your absence for more than 7 days. You can also download this in Word format, print it, and provide it as a letter to your landlord or property manager, or you can send it via email.

Sample 1:

written Notice When Gone From Apartment For More Than 7 Days, sample 1
Sample 1


[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Your Phone Number]

[Landlord’s Name]
[Landlord’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Landlord’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you of my upcoming extended absence from the apartment located at [Your Address]. I will be away from [Start Date] to [End Date] for [Number of Days] days due to [Reason for Absence].

During my absence, I have made arrangements to ensure the security and maintenance of the apartment:

  1. Emergency Contact: [Neighbor’s/Friend’s/Relative’s Name]
    • [Neighbor’s/Friend’s/Relative’s Contact Information]
    • [Neighbor’s/Friend’s/Relative’s Address, if applicable]
  2. Mail Handling: I have arranged for my mail to be forwarded to the following address: [Forwarding Address], or I would appreciate it if you could hold my mail until my return.

Please be assured that I have taken all necessary precautions to ensure that the apartment remains secure and well-maintained during my absence. I will be reachable at the provided contact number in case of any emergencies or if you need to reach me for any reason.

If there are any specific procedures or requirements I need to follow during my absence, please do not hesitate to let me know. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

Sample 2:

Written Notice When Gone From Apartment For More Than 7 Days, sample 2
Sample 2


[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Your Phone Number]

[Landlord’s Name]
[Landlord’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Landlord’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I am writing to inform you of my upcoming absence from the apartment at [Your Address]. I will be away from [Start Date] to [End Date] due to [Reason for Absence].

To ensure the security and maintenance of the apartment during my absence, I have taken the following measures:

  • Emergency Contact: [Neighbor’s/Friend’s/Relative’s Name]
    • Contact Number: [Neighbor’s/Friend’s/Relative’s Phone Number]
    • Address: [Neighbor’s/Friend’s/Relative’s Address, if applicable]
  • Mail Handling: [Specify whether you’ve arranged for mail forwarding or if the landlord should hold your mail]

I will remain reachable during my absence at the provided contact number in case of any emergencies or if you need to reach me for any reason.

Please let me know if there are any specific instructions or procedures I should follow during my absence. I greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Thank you for your attention to this notice.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Important Note: Before leaving your apartment, ensure that your landlord or property manager has read the notice and given you the okay to move. If you haven’t received any reply, try to follow up. Don’t move without receiving their response.


By notifying your landlord about your extended absence, you’re not just following the rules—you’re safeguarding your home, maintaining a positive relationship, and ensuring a worry-free trip. Take the time to provide thorough notice, and enjoy your time away with peace of mind.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How far in advance do I need to notify my landlord?

The timeframe for notifying your landlord can vary based on your lease agreement and local regulations. It’s crucial to refer to your specific lease for the exact timeframe required. Typically, notification may be required 24 hours in advance, while some leases may necessitate notification a week or even two weeks before your absence.

What if I’m going on a last-minute trip and don’t have time to notify my landlord beforehand?

In the event of an unexpected trip arising and being unable to adhere to the full notice period outlined in your lease, it’s essential to promptly contact your landlord. Explain the circumstances and inquire whether they can accommodate your situation. Even a brief courtesy call demonstrating your effort to inform them can greatly aid in mitigating any potential issues.

What happens if I don’t notify my landlord about my extended absence?

Consequences for failing to notify your landlord can vary depending on your lease agreement and local laws. Potential outcomes may include receiving a warning, facing a lease violation accompanied by potential fees, or encountering difficulty accessing your apartment upon return, especially in emergencies.

Do I need to notify my landlord if I’m just going away for the weekend?

While notification is generally not required for short weekend trips, it’s advisable to review your lease agreement for specific guidelines. Additionally, if you have any concerns or valuables left in the apartment, informing your landlord beforehand can provide peace of mind.