Screening Status Denied On Apartment Application: What To Do Next?

A ‘screening status denied’ on your apartment application indicates that your application failed to meet the landlord’s background check or screening criteria. This process typically involves evaluating your criminal history, creditworthiness, rental background, employment verification, and references. This blog post provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and addressing a screening status denial on your apartment application. Let’s delve into this further.

Common Reasons for Screening Status Denials

There are several reasons why your apartment application may be denied due to a screening status denial. Here are some of the most common reasons:

1. Criminal Record:

Landlords often conduct criminal background checks to ensure their properties remain safe for all residents. If your background check reveals convictions for violent crimes, drug offenses, or other serious offenses, your application may be denied.

2. History of Evictions or Unpaid Rent:

A history of evictions or unpaid rent can significantly impact your chances of securing an apartment. Landlords often view these as red flags indicating financial instability, tenancy issues, or potential legal complications. If you have a history of evictions or unpaid rent, it’s crucial to address these concerns proactively and demonstrate your efforts to improve your financial situation and tenancy record.

3. Poor Credit Score:

A poor credit score is one of the most common reasons for a screening status denial on an apartment application. Landlords use credit scores to assess your financial responsibility and your ability to pay rent on time. If your credit score is below a certain threshold, the landlord may consider you a credit risk and deny your application.

4. Income Below Minimum Requirements:

Landlords typically require applicants to have a verifiable income that is at least three times the monthly rent. If your income falls below this threshold, they may doubt your ability to afford the apartment and deny your application.

5. Negative References:

Landlords may contact your previous landlords or roommates to gather references about your tenancy history. If the references are negative, it may raise concerns about your behavior as a tenant and lead to a denial.

6. Traffic Violations:

In general, minor traffic violations such as speeding tickets or parking tickets are unlikely to affect your apartment application. Landlords are more concerned about major traffic offenses such as DUIs, reckless driving, or driving without a license. These offenses may indicate a pattern of reckless behavior that could pose a risk to the safety of other tenants. However, it is important to note that landlord policies vary, and some landlords may consider any traffic violations to be a negative factor in their decision-making process.

7. Excessive Competition:

In highly competitive rental markets, landlords may receive numerous applications for a single apartment. If your application does not stand out from the crowd, you may be denied in favor of more qualified candidates.

Now let’s delve into what you should do if you find yourself in this situation.

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What to Do Next?

Screening Status Denied On Apartment Application, What To Do Next
What To Do Next?

The steps you take immediately after a denial can greatly influence the outcome. Here’s what to do next:

1. Contact the Landlord for Clarification

It is essential to act promptly when faced with a screening status denial. As soon as you receive the denial notification, make immediate contact with the landlord or property management company. Timeliness plays a critical role in this process. When reaching out, be sure to inquire about the specific reason for the denial. Politely request the exact grounds for the decision, as this information is invaluable for addressing the issue effectively.

2. Request a Copy of Your Screening Report

You have the right to request a copy of your screening report, and it’s important to exercise this right. This allows you to review the information that is being used to evaluate your application. Once you obtain the report, the next step is to thoroughly review it. Carefully examine the screening report for accuracy, paying close attention to details. In particular, look for any inaccuracies or discrepancies that may have contributed to the denial. If you discover any such inaccuracies, it’s essential to take the necessary steps to dispute and correct them. Inaccurate information can significantly influence the screening decision, making the dispute process a critical element in your efforts to address the denial effectively.

3. Address the Specific Reason for Denial

Once you know the specific reason for the denial, work on addressing it directly. Let’s explore some actions based on the common reasons mentioned earlier:

  1. Criminal Record: If the denial is due to a criminal record, research options for expunging or sealing the record. Legal advice may be necessary in this case.
  2. Evictions or Unpaid Rent: For issues related to evictions or unpaid rent, gather documentation that proves these issues have been resolved. This might include payment receipts or evidence of successful lease completions.
  3. Poor Credit Score: If your credit score is the culprit, take proactive steps to improve it. This can involve paying down debt, making on-time payments, and practicing responsible financial management.

If you encounter complex legal issues, such as expunging a criminal record, consulting with an attorney specializing in such matters can be invaluable.

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3. Negotiate with the Landlord

In this stage, being prepared for an open and constructive conversation is paramount.

Effective negotiation strategies can prove pivotal in these discussions. Consider the following approaches:

  • Offering a Higher Security Deposit: By proposing a larger security deposit, you signal your commitment to property maintenance and your willingness to compensate for any perceived risks. This can be a persuasive gesture to landlords.
  • Agreeing to Sign a Longer Lease: Extending the lease term offers additional reassurance to the landlord. It demonstrates your commitment to stable occupancy, which can be appealing and build trust.

By engaging in these negotiations, you showcase your willingness to work collaboratively with the landlord, and this proactive approach can go a long way in addressing concerns and potentially securing the apartment you desire.

4. Tips for Boosting Approval Chances

In addition to addressing the specific reason for the denial, there are several strategies you can employ to increase your chances of approval:

  1. Explain Negative Items on Your Screening Report: If your report contains negative items, be prepared to provide context and explanations. Transparency can go a long way in building trust.
  2. Provide Your Credit Report and Employment Verification: Offering your credit report and employment verification proactively can showcase your commitment to transparency and responsibility.
  3. Secure Positive References: Request positive references from previous landlords and employers. These references can attest to your reliability and character.

By taking these steps, you demonstrate your commitment to securing the rental property and addressing any concerns that led to the initial denial. This proactive approach can significantly enhance your prospects of getting approved.

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Know Your Rights: CFPB & FCRA

Screening Status Denied On Apartment Application, Know Your Rights
Know Your Rights

When faced with a screening status denied on your apartment application, it’s crucial to be aware of your rights as a tenant. Understanding these rights not only empowers you but also ensures a fair and just screening process. Here’s what you can do if you believe the screening status denial was unjust:

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is a federal law that plays a significant role in the screening process for apartment applications. It was enacted to promote the accuracy, fairness, and privacy of information collected by consumer reporting agencies. In the context of apartment hunting, the FCRA offers several rights to applicants:

  1. Access to Your Credit Reports: Under the FCRA, you have the right to access your credit reports from consumer reporting agencies. This allows you to see the information being used to evaluate your application.
  2. Dispute Inaccurate Information: If you discover any inaccuracies or discrepancies in your credit report that may have contributed to your screening status denial, you can dispute them. The FCRA provides a formal process for this.
  3. Notification of Adverse Action: If a landlord takes adverse action based on the information in your credit report, such as a screening status denial, they are required to provide you with an adverse action notice. This notice should include the specific reasons for the denial, the name and contact information of the consumer reporting agency that provided the information, and your rights to obtain a free copy of your credit report within 60 days.

Filing a Complaint

If you believe that your screening status denial was unjust or inaccurate and your attempts to resolve the issue directly with the landlord have been unsuccessful, you have the option to file a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Here’s what you should know about this process:

  1. Contacting the CFPB: The CFPB is a government agency responsible for protecting consumers in financial matters, including those related to credit reporting. You can file a complaint through their website or by contacting them directly.
  2. Complaint Process: When you file a complaint with the CFPB, they will typically forward your complaint to the relevant party, such as the consumer reporting agency or landlord. The party will then have a specific time frame to respond to your complaint.
  3. CFPB Investigation: The CFPB may investigate your complaint to ensure that the denial was in compliance with the FCRA and other relevant laws. They may also work to resolve the issue by facilitating communication between you and the involved parties.
  4. Resolution: Depending on the outcome of the investigation, the CFPB may help you reach a resolution with the landlord or consumer reporting agency. If a resolution is not achieved, you may have the option to pursue legal action.

Legal Assistance

If your situation is particularly complex or involves legal matters, it’s advisable to seek legal counsel. An attorney specializing in housing and tenant rights can provide you with expert guidance and representation, especially if the screening status denial is based on legal issues such as expunging a criminal record.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any special programs or resources available to help people with screening status denials?

Yes, several programs and resources are available to assist individuals dealing with screening status denials. These resources include organizations like the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) and the National Housing Law Project (NHLP), which provide guidance, legal assistance, and information on appealing denials. Additionally, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) can help investigate complaints related to unfair denials. Local housing authorities may offer rental assistance programs, and various non-profit organizations provide support, financial assistance, and counseling services to help those facing screening status denials find suitable housing.

How can I get free legal advice for screening status denials?

You can obtain free legal advice by reaching out to local legal aid organizations, law school clinics, pro bono lawyers, state bar associations, housing assistance non-profit organizations, and online resources like LegalZoom,, Nolo, and Avvo. These sources offer guidance and information on your legal rights and options regarding screening status denials.

Will a screening status denial affect future rentals?

Whether a screening status denial affects your future rentals depends on factors like the reason for the denial, credit reporting agency involvement, and successful dispute resolution. Denials due to criminal records are more likely to appear on background checks, while credit-based denials may have less impact. Denials reported to credit agencies stay for seven years but can be disputed and removed. To address concerns, obtain and review screening reports and credit reports, explore expunging criminal records, gather positive references, and consider higher deposits or longer leases. You also have rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and can file complaints with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) for unfair or inaccurate denials.


While a screening status denial on apartment application can be a setback, it’s essential to remember that it’s not the end of your journey to find a suitable place to live. By understanding the reasons behind the denial and taking proactive steps to address them, you can significantly improve your chances of securing your dream apartment. Stay persistent and patient, as your next apartment might be just around the corner. Remember that you have rights under the FCRA, and filing a complaint with the CFPB can be a valuable option if you believe the denial was unfair.